
When the saints meet, wisdom follows: Learning the masters’ art of leadership


Leadership only has meaning in times of chaos, said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Leadership only has meaning in times of chaos. When everything is smooth sailing, leaders have nothing to do and no role to play. Chaos actually lays the foundation for leaders, clears the path, and opens up roads. The so-called "leader" is the one who walks at the end, urging everyone forward, not someone who looks back to see followers, but someone who creates pathfinders, promotes leadership, and lets everyone walk ahead of them. Just like the concept of "Bodhisattva," originating from India, Nepal, and Bhutan, the Bodhisattva says, "I stand behind and watch everyone walk ahead of me until liberation. I remain behind everyone." If there is a willingness to resolve conflicts, they will be resolved, and this is where leadership is needed. So please come and resolve the chaos!

When you strive to achieve great dreams, you'll encounter many obstacles. Yet, this indicates that we're embarking on endeavors that others dare not dream of. As we overcome these obstacles one by one, the fruits of our labor will be sweet and satisfying. When you and I are all one family, there's actually no difference or distinction between our words and actions; that's spirituality! Spirituality makes happiness ubiquitous; it needs to be spread to every corner of the world. This is a shared goal, and it's why we're all gathered here today. Though it's difficult to express in words, when we give society and the world a sense of love and belonging, the love we receive in return will reward us a hundredfold.

"Youth" represents a will to take challenges. The world constantly pushes you forward. When you're ready to face these challenges, they awaken your inner youthful energy. Challenges only bring out the best in you, allowing you to radiate more passion and energy, surpassing what you thought you were capable of. When contemplating global leadership, one can think, discuss, argue, and oppose, as long as the motives and purposes are good, they will bring about positive outcomes.

True leadership comes from inner peace, compassion, and love, said Venerable Hsin Tao

True leadership comes from inner peace, harmony, and compassion. Leaders who possess inner awakening, compassion, and morality will guide the world towards an interconnected community of life.

Good leadership primarily stems from compassion and peace, from which wisdom arises. It also involves having correct aspirations. Without peace, without compassion, and without wisdom, our direction can be wrong, leading to suffering of everyone. A wrong decision can result in many negative outcomes. However, to possess leadership, one must be able to grasp sufficient information. If information is lacking, we often fail to see the "market." The "market" represents the environment. If we can fully grasp and understand the information, understand the entire environment, and comprehend how the market works, then we can know how to make decisions and what actions to take.

It is crucial to consider the purpose behind our decision-making. If our purpose is centered around loving the Earth and promoting peace, aside from loving the Earth and peace, our minds need a sanctuary. Having a good faith allows us to possess genuine compassion. When we all handle things with this peace and compassion, it will achieve a harmonious effect.

We are always engaged in doing what is right. Now, considering the current state of the environment, society, and humanity, we must identify the needs, which are essentially market demands. Only then can we have a good and correct direction. When we recognize these needs, we strive to cultivate and promote them, guided by intuition. This is something all Buddhas, bodhisattvas, or deities like to see us do. So, as long as we do it, success tends to follow. If we fail to perceive the market or human needs in such a way, we may encounter many setbacks. In fact, setbacks are meant to push us to breakthroughs. If we don't overcome these setbacks but simply lead a smooth life, our "immunity" will weaken. It means our ability to face challenges won't stand the test. Therefore, when we encounter difficulties, adopting a calm, tranquil, and compassionate approach to transform and improve will help us surpass them. These are moments where positive and negative energies interact and dissolve each other, and they are critical tests of leadership.(Courtesy of LJM)


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